Friday 27 May 2011


Mirko Bratuša (Negova, Slovenia, in 1963) is representing Slovenia at the 54 La Biennale di Venezia, in 2011

«The sculptor Mirko Bratus will be presented to the public with the project for Heaters warm emotions, an installation of sculptures made up of ten bodies, some anthropomorphic and other pertaining to the plant world, networked through pipelines. The internal power supply, silent, warm, and umidificherà raredderà terracotta statues. With cooling components anthropomorphic heat will be conveyed to the other to warm them, thus establishing a network of art as a system of bodies, which indicates a mutual dependency. The metaphorical message of the art system thus established is universally applicable to modern society, where everything happens as a result of a mutual relationship: the enrichment of a part of the world is poverty on the other hand, the exploitation of nature due to natural disasters, social unrest, supported by social networks changing political systems [...]

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