Friday 22 June 2012


Not all proposals are proposals. To be considered as a proposal, the proponent has to put forward for consideration a propose with a propositus. Take for instance the rain in London in a June afternoon. One of the possible proposals is in that it proposes us to open an umbrella! We might or might not open the object being allude to. The propositus is to avoid to catch a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages, which may cause fever, severe aching, and catarrh, also called flu or influenza, or may not. It may propose something more in the style of Kelly's Singin' in the rain, in where the propositus is to do with the action of saying or expressing something aloud, i.e. sound proposals. the 1952 Kelly's proposal marks the proposition of a new territory - a transition from the silence word to the spoken word - or may not. Although some proposals are proposals not all the proposal are proposals. They could be rehearsals! It may or may not be a practice! It could be related with the action or process of rehearsing [perhaps related with re- ‘again’ + hercer ‘to harrow,’ from herse ‘harrow’ (a vehicle for conveying the coffin at a funeral)].

The postman today came earlier than usual. 8.00 in the morning. These countryman tend to have a quite good service delivery. I'm wandering what would happen if we where to import them to the mainland and apply some of this exquisite service at home! It would be immoral and possibly improper! Why? Just today, London bus drivers strike over Olympic bonus. Nonsensical! Those who need have to walk. Those who decide use private driven vehicles. So, why? Because it's so outdated, so last-century, so pre-modern. Anyway, in the afternoon paid a visit to one extravagant local gallery, like so many others that we can find in these pastures. Had an indistinct conversation with the dealer about this land customs and habits.

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