Wednesday 5 December 2012

On the Fifth day of Christmas

On the Fifth day of Christmas, My true love gave to me: over than five good news on gallery visits, art books, Murano glass and exhibitions, and coffee beans; more than four sculptures from Tony Cragg; three exhibitions to see; two places to sleep: a set of impressions and feelings.
Good news never come alone! they are preceded by and come in disguise between gallery visits, news about where we came from, books and presents, art works in Murano glass, pastries, toasted coffee beans and fried chillies in the morning with eggs, people with conspicuous behaviour and reestablished conversations with old friends and loved ones.

Good news never come alone! they are preceded by recollections of a time already gone, reflections of that that is, and judgements about the one that might become, they come in disguise between awesome symphonies composed by colours, noises and silence, by a text written and finish with embedded videos and sound, by an invitation to continue to attend a knowledge' seminar.

Good news never come alone! they are preceded by something and someone, by an investigation in to your success, and by freezing wind, a cold weather and a long beard, they come in disguise between a realization that time should never been shortened but lived in full blossom, love what you have not what you don't have "ten twenty years ago".

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