Tuesday 9 September 2014

Nathaniel Mary Quinn: Past/Present

Nathaniel Mary Quinn
Pace Gallery

Nathaniel Mary Quinn's (1977, Chicago, US) "vivid, large-scale paper works are an assemblage of facial features which can be read as abstract-figurative works. The pieces deal with the complex construction of identity, inevitably influenced by past memories and present experiences, but executed in the moment." [...Press Release...]
"Although reminiscent of Synthetic Cubism, Quinn’s works function outside of these historical references and reveal themselves as autobiographical, narrative and representational. The ‘hybrid creatures’ that appear in these distinctive compositions are formed from a mixture of family portraits, popular articles, and advertisements."
"The work sits in tension on the boundary of what can be seen as purposely grotesque or aesthetically pleasing, presenting both beauty and melancholy." [...Press Release...]

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