Saturday 10 November 2012

Proportion to the amount

«Do not imagine that personal relationships will run themselves. Like jobs, they are valuable in proportion to the amount of effort they demand. It is a great deal easier to make ten thousand dollars than to run a real marriage or friendship.» (W. H. Auden, 1940)

The difference between meals with different people is in that to know who is on my side and on the other side of the table. Family! Friends! or mere acquaintances and some that are not. The difference between a good meal and a meal not that good, is just in being with someone that has gone through a lot together with us; never asking for a payback; being happy when they are; and always feeling being the centre of attention even when not being the centre. A good meal is like life, we need time to appreciate and enjoy what is in front of us, that sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance, like the wine has a fruity taste, etc. and the memories that we will preserve, not about the meal, but all about the surrounding interactive environment and how it imprinted on us. It is just like having a warm coffee in the morning, before going to work, in the conservatory looking into a back care garden full of lovely and delightful flowers and beautiful plants exuding life all over the place.

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