Monday 30 September 2013

Re-View: Onnasch Collection

Until today I've new about four types of art collector:
  • He/She collects art, but could be collecting cars, houses, boats, or, on a less pompous scale, stamps. Just for the sake of it. Without any reasoning behind it. Most of the time he uses a Prada scarf and she a leopard skin jacket - know a couple of collectors collecting on this base;
  • He/She collects following a predetermined list with names on it. Tick the box anytime they acquire one of the artist's pieces. Easily recognised as artificial on their choices and decisions, more about what they hear than about what they feel - know, also, a couple of collectors collecting on this base;
  • Those that collect as an investment. Normally associated to and with the finance sector - know some collectors collecting on this base;
  • He/She collects according to a particular framework. It could be time, medium, geography, etc. They can be from different walks of life - fortunately, know quite good collectors collecting on this base;
While the first three are collectors that can be grouped under those who collect accordingly to economic demand and financial trends; the last one, collects taken in consideration personal taste and a sensorial social experience.

Today, I've meet another one, who fell's within the last group. Who collects taken in consideration personal taste and a sensorial social experience. However, the difference between these two, lies in that that is not particular framework on the collecting. He/She jump from one artist to another, from one medium to other, from one continent to other continent depending of what he/she socially and culturally is experiencing at the moment.

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