Friday 21 March 2014

Swimming in the Ocean, or How I Lost My Mobile (Again)

Another night wandering from tavern to tavern in the centre of London, until I loose my mind to the Dionysian mysteries.
Tomory Dodge, Stutter (oil on canvas, diptych, 213.2x365.8cm), 2014 at Alison Jacques Gallery
Black, no black. European hypocrisy in process. I'm in love with the sales person, however she's with her boyfriend. It doesn't matter, because I don't want anything with him... I just want to meet her incorporate reserves.
Chromatic Urban Noises at Alison Jacques, Wallpaper at Pace Soho, Artist Inspiration Destabilization at White Cube, Black, No-Black The New Post-Colonial at Jack Bell, at the end of the night I Have Become Invisible with Favourbrook.
Liang Yuanwei, Untitled 2013.13 (oil on linen, 140x120cm), 2013 at Pace London (Soho)
I have been for so long living underwater that when, sometimes, someone gives me the opportunity to bread fresh air, I get sick. Underwater is much more quiet, fresh; underwater everything is more turbulent, limitless enveloping. I'm swimming in the ocean for so long. People are just blur images in the water. People are just colourful images in the water. People are just translucent images in the water. People are just intangible images in the water.
Miroslaw Balka, Above your head (steel mesh canopy), 2014 at White Cube (Mason's Yard)
I have been swimming in the ocean for so long that to have my tailoring made I need to be a Gallery Director or an Artist! I will be always the promo guy.

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