Tuesday 22 January 2013

Juergen Teller: Woo!

The creation of a sense of individuality and character, but also of belonging - images unfold personal meanings and intimacy. Juergen Teller photographs have an intimacy and identifying understanding about them, and not in relation to oneself. They institute some reality into a world of fantasy, just like movies and reality TV. Where everyday life inspiration is drawn, in particular, from popular music and from street-style fashion. If, on one side, "the exhibition asserts that the fashion photographer proves to be an acute observer and interpreter of" our time, instead of finding the past behind the present; on the other, Woo! it is a realisation that art, in general, need not be an exercise in mirroring reality, "it could have a magical role of capturing and controlling desires, seductions, terrors, pinning them down with colour and form."
«woo: there are plenty of synonyms for sex, not enough for flirtation and romantic pursuit, for the work of winning someone over. Make love used to refer to the process toward, with a little useful ambiguity; now it strictly denotes the act. Court sounds too aristocratic and medieval; seduce is overly limited to the carnal objective. That leaves woo. It's true that woo sounds a little goofy, but that might be ameliorated by more frequent use, or could even be considered a useful bonus connotation in a word for an activity that can put anybody in danger of making a fool of themselves.»

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